Carver County Historical Society

Newspaper/Resource Search

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Number of records found: 996 961 to 996
  Previous 40
Name Subject Categories Source Date Pg Col
Weible, Rick  was elected as St. Boni Mayor    Waconia Patriot  11/11/2010  1-2 
Fredrickson, Steven P.  Community of St. Boni extends its sympathies to his family.  - Death Records: CC Index
- Reference Sources: Death Records
- Social Life & Customs: Funerals 
Waconia Patriot  3/3/2011 
Waconia/St. Boni Putting Challenge  16th annual Putting Challenge raising $2,000 for the food shelf. - (photo)  - Health & Welfare
- Sports & Recreation
- Health & Welfare: Food Programs 
Victoria Gazette  4/1/2011  30  1-2 
Hedberg, Kendall  Age 10 of St. Bonifacius has been chosen as a State Finalist in the National American Miss Minnesota state pageant. - (photo)  Children & Youth: Honors  Waconia Patriot  6/9/2011  5-6 
St. Boni Historical Society  St. Boni group marks decade of research (photo)    W.P.  7/14/2011 
St. Boni Historical Society  St. Boni group marks decade of research (photo)    W.P.  7/14/2011 
St. Bonifacius Historical Society  Is celebrating its 10 yr. anniversary.  - Anniversaries
- Cultural Facilities: Museums 
hj  7/18/2011  6A  1-2 
St. Boni Lions  40th Anniversary  Anniversaries  Waconia Patriot  12/15/2011 
Peterka, Steve  St, Boni man survives icy plunge  Health & Welfare: Accidents  Waconia Patriot  2/16/2012 
Arwood, Joe  St. Boni Man announces bid for 33A seat  Politics & Elections: Elections  Waconia Patriot  3/15/2012 
James Weiland American Legion Post  St. Bonifacious War Vets Organize  Military Activities: Veterans  Lt. Book WWll  5/1/2012  31   
Short, Cottrell  St. Boni Toddlers death ruled a homicide  Law & Justice: Crime: Murder  Waconia Patriot  5/3/2012 
St. Bonifacius City Council Candidates - 2012  Shawn Ruotsinoja, Robert Smestad  Government: City Managers  Waconia Patriot  10/25/2012  15  1-6 
Keller, Fred  Keller Continues to give back to St. Bonifacius    Waconia Patriot  11/8/2012 
City of St. Boni  Discusses $2 million street improvement    Waconia Patriot  11/15/2012  1-6 
Bonine, Lonny  Obituary.  Death Records: CC Index  C.C.N.  7/11/2013 
Klein Bank Stadium (Photo)  naming rights to stadium at Crown College in St, Bonifacius  Sports & Recreation  Victoria Gazette  8/1/2013  31   
Foster, Schcara  St. Boni mom pleads guilty to 2nd degree manslaughter  Law & Justice  Carver County News  9/13/2013  13   
St. Boni  Establishes consolidation plan with Minnetrista    C.C.N.  11/14/2013  11 
Rakow, Gene  Benefit for St. Boni man.    W.P.  11/14/2013 
Vuong,Joseph-Quoe (photo)  St Boniface Installs Pastor  Religion  W.P  11/21/2013 
Old St. Boni City Hall  listed for sale    W.P.  1/16/2014 
Fores,Morel (photo)  St Bonifiacius Fire Dept    W.P. 5/8/3014  9/3/2014 
Bonick, Noah (photo)  Win Tournament  Sports & Recreation  Waconia Patriot  1/29/2015 
Bonin,Allie (photo)  Wins 800 meter State Title  Sports & Recreation  Chan Villager  6/16/2016  16 
Glasoe, Bonita Beth (nee:Saunders) (Mrs.Stanley) (photo)  Obit    Wac. Patriot  10/24/2019 
Sterbonic, Peter (photo)  Obit    Chan. Villager  9/2/2021 
Sterbonic, Peter (photo)  Obit    Chaska Herald  9/2/2021 
Groenke, Bonita 'Bonnie' Marie (nee: Glatzel) (Mrs. Eugene) (photo)  Obituary  Death Records  Chanhassen Villager  3/30/2023 
Groenke, Bonita 'Bonnie' Marie (nee: Glatzel) (Mrs. Eugene) (photo)  Obituary  Death Records  Chaska Herald  3/30/2023 
St. Bonifacius American Legion (photo)  Post 597 disbands after nearly 80 yrs.    Patriot  11/9/2023  26 
Burns, Marin; Waconia-St Boni Girl Scouts #17513 (photo)  Earns Silver Award    Patriot  2/29/2024 
Hartmann, Maddie; Waconia-St Boni Girl Scouts #17513; (photo)  Earns Silver Award    Patriot  2/29/2024 
Donabauer, Summer - Waconia - St Boni Girl Scouts #15064 (photo)  Earns Gold Award - Fellowship Program for Teen Girls  Clubs & Associations  Patriot  3/14/2024  11 
Schramm, Elizabeth - Waconia - St Boni Girl Scouts #15064 (photo)  Earns Gold Award - Art and Outdoors    Patriot  3/14/2024  11 
Bonick, Isaac  Waconia HS grad    Patriot  5/23/2024 
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25    

Information contained in this database has been obtained from the files of the Carver County Historical Society Library; specifically, the newspaper index (in the future to include scrapbooks, family histories etc...).  As with any information source, errors, inconsistencies, and accuracy in spelling and content are unavoidable.  Therefore, we suggest checking for alternate spellings when researching individual names or places.  We have tried to include alternatives whenever possible.

Some examples of alternate spellings include:
   Miller/Mueller    Bergman/Bergmann    Blocker/Plocher    Hemming/Henning

The Carver County Historical Society is grateful to Southwest Newspapers for their generous financial support of the newspaper indexing project.

Research assistance

The Newspaper/Resource Search is a searchable index of newspaper, record, and archival materials available from the Carver County Historical Society’s Research Library and Archive. Please see Library Resources and Genealogy for detailed information of the materials available at the CCHS.

If you wish to obtain copies of materials within the index, the CCHS staff is readily available to assist you with operating our microfilm readers, locating records, or providing access to archival material.

Research Benefits for CCHS Members & Future Members

  • CCHS members conducting research receive annually any combination of five of the following options, free of charge:
    • digital or printed newspaper articles or documents
    • digital photos without watermark
      • Digital photos are 300 dpi resolution
      • Requests for prints or higher resolution images are subject to fees

See our membership page for information on additional member benefits and how to become a member.

Copies may be obtained in the following manners:

  • Researching In-Person
    • The CCHS Library is free and open to the public
      • There is a fee of $0.25/sheet for printing research materials
      • Photographing materials with a personal device is allowed, free of charge
    • Library staff is available to assist with & guide your research efforts
  • Article & Records Requested Remotely
    • Contact our Researcher with a list of articles or records you have located through the Newspaper/Resource Search
    • Fees for requested articles & records (applied to all requests):
      • $3.00 processing fee for requests of up to 15 articles or records
      • Additional processing fees applied to requests exceeding 15 articles or records
      • $2.00 per emailed article or record
      • $2.50 per printed article or record
  • Custom Research by CCHS Staff
    • The CCHS staff is available to conduct research on your behalf
    • Our research fee is $25.00 per hour for researching and identifying available resources within the CCHS Library and Archive, if any.
      • Printing or emailing of identified articles, records, or documents subject to additional fees:
        • $3.00 processing fee for requests of up to 15 articles or records
        • Additional processing fees applied to requests in excess of 15 articles or records
        • $2.00 per emailed article or record
        • $2.50 per printed article or record

CCHS Library Research Policy (Effective July 23, 2019)

Research requests are completed in the order they are received.

If you have a question or would like to submit a research or article & records request, please email the CCHS Researcher, Brenda Reister, at: Or call us at: (952) 442-4234. Requests can also be submitted by mail using our Research Request Form: Click here for a printable form

What are these fees used for? Library fees help offset a portion of the costs of running the library including staff time, purchasing new materials, and maintenance of the microfilm reader.

You may contact us at:

Carver County Historical Society
555 W First St
Waconia MN 55387

Phone: (952) 442-4234